COFOps Software User's Manual Version 1.5 of 1998/06/04 06:45:26 Rick Crowhurst Picture Elements, Inc. 1. Scope This document describes the COFOps software package, which is a TCL-based tool set for creating, manipulating, and verifying COF file sets. 2. Introduction COF (Common Output Format) is a standard for the interchange of images and associated financial data between the Federal Reserve Bank and financial institutions; it describes how this informa- tion is organized into sets of files, with particular names and formats, on a piece of COF media. COFOps is a public domain package of tools for creating, manipulating, and verifying COF files and files sets. Its purpose is to provide standard test file sets for testing COF readers, and to verify file sets in order to test COF writers. COFOps is provided in source code; it is implemented in the C and TCL languages. It was developed and tested under the Linux oper- ating system, but it should be easily transportable to any plat- form that supports C and TCL. The use of TCL (Tool Control Lan- guage) allows the manipulation tools to be used interactively as well as within TCL scripts; TCL is described in Tcl- and- the- Tk- Toolkit-by John Ousterhout. It is a standard component of Linux; for platforms that don't provide TCL, it can be downloaded as source code free of cost by anonymous FTP from Section 3 of this document describes the management of the soft- ware package, including unpacking, program generation, and pro- gram installation. Section 4 describes the executable programs provided by the package, and section 5 describes the commands provided in the TCL extensions that allow COF files to be manipu- lated from within TCL scripts or interactively. Finally, section 6 lists a number of limitations of the current version of the package. 3. COFOps Package Management This section gives Linux command sequences for performing various routine manipulations of the software package. In all cases, it is assumed that the directory ~ has been chosen as the home directory for the package. -2- 3.1. Unpacking the Software This software is distributed as the gzip'd tar file "cofops- X.XX.tgz", where "X.XX" gives the version number. To unpack the distribution file, move it into ~ and execute: cd ~ gunzip cofops-X.XX.tgz tar xf cofops-X.XX.tar It is convenient, but not required, to add a symbolic link cofops, which conventionally refers to the current version of COFOps: cd ~ ln -s cofops-X.XX cofops This link will be assumed in the sequel. -3- 3.2. Generating the Libraries: After the package has been unpacked, the libraries can be gener- ated by: cd ~/cofops make This will produce the TCL extensions in the form of the shared libraries,, and 3.3. Installing the Package After the libraries have been generated, the package can be installed with: cd ~/cofops su make install This will copy the libraries into /usr/lib and the program cofck.tcl into /usr/local/bin as /usr/local/bin/cofck. The pack- age is now ready for use. 3.4. Document Generation To generate this document, execute: cd ~/cofops make 4. COFOps Programs This section describes the executable programs provided by COFOps. These programs are implemented as TCL scripts and installed in /usr/local/bin by "make install", as described in section 3.3. They require that the COFOps libraries be installed in /usr/lib (this is also done by "make install") and that the TCL shell /usr/bin/tclsh be present. 4.1. cofck cofck is a program that checks the validity of COF file sets and reports any deviations from the COF specification (version 1.3) that are discovered. It takes a single argument which is the directory in which the file set is found. For example, in Linux, the command cofck /mnt/cdrom checks the COF file set on a (mounted) CD-ROM. The program dis- plays "WARNING" for variances from the specification that do not force cofck to abort the check; for fatal errors, it displays "ERROR". 4.2. cofgen cofgen will be a program that generates a canonical COF data set. Currently, cofgen is unimplemented. -4- 4.3. cofsum cofsum computes and returns the COF checksum of any file, or of the standard input if no file is given. 5. COFOps TCL Extensions TCL allows the programmer to extend the TCL language by adding C functions that can be called by the TCL interpreter. In Linux, these "TCL extensions" can be packaged as shared libraries and loaded dynamically. In COFOps, the low-level support for the programs described above in section 4 is provided by the TCL extension libraries,, and, and these extensions are also available to the user for use either in TCL scripts or interactively with the TCL shell; they allow indi- vidual COF files to be created, examined, and manipulated. Each TCL extension provides commands associated with a particular COF file format: handles header and trailer files, which are in ".INI" format, is for the .IMG files, and is for the data (.DBF) files. A typical application will start by loading the extensions with: load load load Since the TCL load command looks in /usr/lib by default, the full path names need not be provided. The following sections describe each extension in detail. 5.1. TCL Extension for COF Header and Trailer Files ( This extension supports the reading of files in Windows ".INI" format, which includes all COF header and trailer files. Note that only READ support is provided; modifying .INI files in TCL is more appropriately done by invoking a text editor. This extension provides the following command: iniRead array path This command opens an parses a .INI file at the given path and builds the named array, which holds the following elements: $array(.) This element is a TCL list containing the names of all of the sections found in the .INI file $array(section) This element is a TCL list containing the names of all of the variables assigned in all of the sections named section. $array(section,variable) This element is the string value assigned to the given variable in the given section of the .INI file -5- For example, if the file test.ini holds: [FileName] FileName=test.ini [Info] SomeNumber=6 SomeString=This is a string and the following TCL commands are executed: load iniRead ini test.ini puts $ini(Info,SomeString) then the following output is produced: This is a string As another example, the following TCL sequence parses a .INI file into an array, then displays the array in .INI format: load iniRead ini test.ini foreach section $ini(.) { puts "\[$section\]" foreach variable $ini($section) { puts "$variable=$ini($section,$variable)" } } -6- 5.2. TCL Extension for COF Image Files ( This extension supports the parsing and interpretation of COF ".IMG" files by providing the following TCL commands: imgOpen name path This command opens and interprets the file at the specified path as a .IMG file, and creates the given name as an access function for the file; name can then be used as described by the following three commands. If any syntax errors are found, the function returns with an error message. name items This command returns a TCL list that describes the entire parsed file; its format is described below. name verification This returns two numbers: the size of the file in bytes and the calculated checksum. name extract file itemid viewid This command extracts a selected image from the .IMG file and writes it into the given file, which must be open for BINARY writing using the TCL open command. itemid and viewid select the image; they are derived from the items list. The items list returned by the "name items" command is illus- trated by the TCL example below. It has an element for each item in the .IMG file; each such element is itself a list whose ele- ments are the item id, the item data list, and the item view list. Each view in the view list is a list that gives the view id, the side (F or B), the type (TIFFG4, etc), the offset within the image file, and the length of the view within the image file. load imgOpen items test.img foreach item $items { set item_id [lindex $item 0] set datalist [lindex $item 1] set views [lindex $item 2] foreach view $views { set vid [lindex $view 0] set side [lindex $view 1] set type [lindex $view 2] set foff [lindex $view 3] set flen [lindex $view 4] } } -7- 5.3. TCL Extension for COF Data Files ( This extension supports the reading and writing of COF data (dBASE) files by providing the following TCL commands: dbfCreate path field-spec ... This command creates a .DBF file with the given path and with fields specified by the given field-specs. field-spec is described below. dbfOpen name path This command opens the file with the given path and creates the given name as an access function for the file; name can then be used as described by the following three commands. name nrecords Returns the number of records in the .DBF file. name headerSize Returns the size in bytes of the .DBF file header. name recordSize Returns the size in bytes of a .DBF file record. name fields This command returns a list of the fields of the .DBF file. Each field is represented in the field-spec format, described below. name add field-value ... This command adds a new record with the given field-values to the .DBF file. The quanity and contents of the fields are checked. Each field-value is represented in the format appropriate to the field type: for character data, the field-value is a string with trail- ing blanks removed; Numerical data is given as a TCL number. name record number This command returns the record with the given number if it exists and is not marked as deleted; otherwise, it returns with an error. The field-spec argument used by the commands above has the fol- lowing definition: field-spec A field specification is a TCL list with the following elements: name the name of the field type the field type, either C, D, L, or N length the length of the field decimal the size of the decimal part 6. Limitations of the Current Version The current version of COFOps has the following limitations: 1. Generation of COF file sets is not implemented. -8- 2. Manipulation and verification of COF index (.NDX) files is not implemented. 3. Handling of COF media sets consisting of than one piece of media is not implemented.